Getting started

This getting started realizes a scenario such as the following image.

  1. The user updates the temperature attribute of the Room entity using curl.
  2. Orion notifies to the as a function in Meteoroid. (HTTP POST)
  3. The function writes messages according to the value of temperature to result.
  4. User can confirm results using Meteoroid CLI.



Download Meteoroid

Download the fiware-meteoroid repository using git.

git clone --recursive && cd fiware-meteoroid/

Install OpenWhisk

OpenWhisk must be running to build Meteoroid.

cd fiware-meteoroid/docker/openwhisk-devtools/docker-compose
make quick-start

Install Meteoroid core

To install the Meteoroid using Docker. (Docker Compose)

cd fiware-meteoroid/docker/
docker-compose up -d

Install Meteoroid CLI

To install the Meteoroid CLI you can use pip.

Meteoroid CLI Documentation

pip install meteoroid-cli


METEOROID_SCHEMA_ENDPOINT is a specified URL to connect to Meteoroid core from Meteoroid CLI. Please change the host and port as needed.

Default endpoint is http://localhost:3000/schema/?format=corejson

export METEOROID_SCHEMA_ENDPOINT=http://(host):(port)/schema/?format=corejson


Create a Python script

Create a Python script named The first argument of the main function is provided POST parameter and function param option.


  • temperature: The temperature is given an attribute of Entity as the HTTP request parameter(POST) assumed structures of Orion notification.
  • threshold: The threshold is given parameters when creating or updating function as a command line option.

Support Language

def main(params):
    temperature = params['data'][0]['temperature']['value']
    threshold = int(params['threshold'])
    message = "No problem."
    if temperature > threshold:
        message = "Dangerous because it’s too hot!"
    print(temperature, message)
    return {"temperature": temperature, "message": message}

Create Function

Create a function with the name Thermometer. You can pass parameters to Function with the param option.

meteoroid function create [name] [file path] --language [language:version] --param [key] [value]

meteoroid function create Thermometer --language python:3 --param threshold 35


| Field               | Value                                                       |
| id                  | 1                                                           |
| code                | def main(params):                                           |
|                     |     temperature = params['data'][0]['temperature']['value'] |
|                     |     threshold = int(params['threshold'])                    |
|                     |     message = "No problem."                                 |
|                     |     if temperature > threshold:                             |
|                     |         message = "Dangerous because it’s too hot!"         |
|                     |     print(temperature, message)                             |
|                     |     return {"temperature": temperature, "message": message} |
|                     |                                                             |
| language            | python:3                                                    |
| binary              | False                                                       |
| main                |                                                             |
| version             | 0.0.1                                                       |
| parameters          | [{'key': 'threshold', 'value': '35'}]                       |
| fiware_service      |                                                             |
| fiware_service_path | /                                                           |
| name                | Thermometer                                                 |

Create Endpoint

Create an endpoint with the name hello. For function ID, specify the ID of the Function created in the previous step.

meteoroid endpoint create [basepath(name)] [path] [method] [function ID]

meteoroid endpoint create room /thermometer post 1


| Field               | Value                                                                                 |
| id                  | 1                                                                                     |
| url                 | |
| fiware_service      |                                                                                       |
| fiware_service_path | /                                                                                     |
| name                | room                                                                                  |
| path                | /thermometer                                                                          |
| method              | post                                                                                  |
| function            | 1                                                                                     |

Invoke the function using curl

Invoke the function with the URL obtained when created endpoint. Request parameter is specified as JSON assuming structures of Orion notification.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<EOF
    "data": [{
        "temperature": {
            "value": 30


  "message": "No problem.",
  "temperature": 30

Create Entity

Subscription is notified to Meteoroid by creating an entity. The function is called by Orion subscription.

curl http://localhost:1026/v2/entities -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<EOF
    "id": "Room1",
    "type": "Room",
    "temperature": {
        "type": "Number",
        "value": 25

Create Subscription

Create a subscription.

meteoroid subscription create [endpoint ID] [orion subscription json]

meteoroid subscription create 1 '{
        "description": "Example subscription",
        "subject": {
            "entities": [
                "id": "Room1",
                   "type": "Room"
        "notification": {
            "attrs": [
        "expires": "2040-01-01T14:00:00.00Z",
        "throttling": 1


{'id': 1, 'fiware_service': '', 'fiware_service_path': '/', 'endpoint_id': 1, 'orion_subscription_id': '5e61a087b2a79e45bd8de8d5'}
| Field                 | Value                    |
| id                    | 1                        |
| fiware_service        |                          |
| fiware_service_path   | /                        |
| endpoint_id           | 1                        |
| orion_subscription_id | 5e61a087b2a79e45bd8de8d5 |

Invoke the function using Orion subscription

Update the temperature attribute using curl.

curl http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/Room1/attrs -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<EOF
    "temperature": {
        "value": 40

Confirm result list

Obtain results of function using Meteoroid CLI. You cannot obtain the latest results unless You execute the following command twice.

meteoroid result list

meteoroid result list


| activation_id                    | name        | namespace | duration | start         | end           | publish | status_code | version |
| 3f77cf6e89bb4941b7cf6e89bba94122 | Thermometer | guest     |       28 | 1583462834589 | 1583462834617 | False   |           0 | 0.0.1   |

Confirm message of function

Show a result using the activation ID.

meteoroid result show [activation ID]

meteoroid result show 3f77cf6e89bb4941b7cf6e89bba94122


| Field         | Value                                                                                                                                                                 |
| activation_id | 3f77cf6e89bb4941b7cf6e89bba94122                                                                                                                                      |
| name          | Thermometer                                                                                                                                                           |
| namespace     | guest                                                                                                                                                                 |
| duration      | 28                                                                                                                                                                    |
| start         | 1583462834589                                                                                                                                                         |
| end           | 1583462834617                                                                                                                                                         |
| publish       | False                                                                                                                                                                 |
| status_code   | 0                                                                                                                                                                     |
| version       | 0.0.1                                                                                                                                                                 |
| logs          | ['2020-03-06T02:47:14.6097906Z   stdout: 40 Dangerous because it’s too hot!']                                                                                         |
| response      | OrderedDict([('result', OrderedDict([('message', 'Dangerous because it’s too hot!'), ('temperature', 40)])), ('size', 68), ('status', 'success'), ('success', True)]) |